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We are a broad alliance of community groups who are concerned about the NSW Government's urban renewal plans for the 11 railway stations along the 13km Sydenham to Bankstown corridor (alongside the current Bankstown train line).

By working together, we have a greater chance of preserving the heritage and character of our suburbs and ensuring that future residents in the corridor have access to the education and health infastructure and open space they will need.

Email us at



The Hurlstone Park Association (HPA) was formed in mid-2014, and incorporated as an association in NSW shortly thereafter.

The HPA is run by locals who want to ensure a sustainable future for our suburb.



The Save Dully Action Group has been formed in response to the Sydenham to Bankstown urban renewal investigation.


Already it has assembled more than 200 residents on a mailing list, along with more than 550 Facebook followers, and is meeting regularly.




K.O.A.S. are a group of concerned residents of Belmore NSW, who are working together to prevent overdevelopment of Belmore and along Canterbury Road.


The Cooks River Valley Association (CRVA) is an environmental and community organisation which aims to improve the quality of life of the people of the Cooks River valley, and to rehabilitate the waterway and parkland of the Cooks River.


Our association is concerned that the proposals envisaged for the Sydenham to Bankstown corridor seriously compromise the achievement of the goals of the CRVA.


The massive increase in population proposed in the strategy and the overdevelopment planned within the riparian zone of Cooks River would put enormous pressure on the River and its ecosystems. This increase in population would also put unsustainable pressure on the existing parklands along the river.


We note that the strategy does not make any provision for the infrastructure – sewer, stormwater, schools, hospitals, public transport and green open space which would be essential to accommodate the needs of a greatly increased population.


The Cooks River Valley Association believes that ecological and catchment processes and features must be taken into account in any planning proposals.


The Mudcrabs are a large group of volunteers who have a common interest in the health and wellbeing of the Cooks River. The group works at seven bush regeneration sites along the River and runs many clean-up activities, removing litter from the River.


The Mudcrabs have serious concerns about over-development along the riparian zone of the Cooks River. A disturbing example of poor riverside development can be seen in the Canterbury Railway station precinct, where massive development has happened within metres of the Cooks River foreshore.


This type of development in the riparian zone of the River will severely impact on the natural function of the River.


Population density is also having a major impact on the River. Any planning to increase the population density must be done with proper consideration for the health of the Cooks River.


The Alliance also includes the newly-formed Marrickville Residents' Action Group

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